Career New Year’s Resolutions

January 14, 2021

By now, some people who made New Year’s Resolutions to get in shape, quit smoking, to eat healthier, or to find a better work-life balance are already struggling to follow through on them.

If you committed to updating your resume, doing more networking, taking an online course, or applying to a targeted number of jobs, it’s important to maintain your momentum so your career-related goals aren’t derailed even before they’ve got underway.

Just as arising early to work out can become a struggle, it isn’t easy to stay on target with job search goals or a desire to advance in your career – especially as we near a full year since the pandemic began.

In this blog, we provide a range of resources to help keep you on target. In exercise terminology, you’ll find these ideas to be mostly low impact actions that are particularly suitable as we continue to feel the impact of COVID-19.

They do touch on activities such as reviewing resumes and networking along with steps you can incorporate into your daily life to serve as building blocks to career self-improvement.

There are also some good carryover suggestions from 2020.

Here To Serve You

At The Work Place in Grande Prairie, we are happy to help you get your 2021 job search off to a great start, whether you’re applying for a job you just saw advertised or you have some longer term career goals to discuss.

While our physical office is closed, we continue to operate virtually to assist job seekers with a variety of services at no charge.

One-to-one employment counselling services and workshops are available via phone, email or video-based technologies such as Zoom.

Staff can help unemployed and underemployed individuals assess how they can address career decision making, including new skills and training they may want to consider.

Enquiries can be made by calling 780-539-5477. One of our Employment Coaches will be happy to provide you information on our services. You can also email us at Our website is

Check out these links to help maintain your 2021 career resolutions.

5 Easy New Year’s Resolutions for Your Career | The Muse

Keeping On Track

We’re here to help you wherever you are in your job search. You’re more likely to find success by being consistent in your actions, whether it’s tailoring your resume to specific positions, applying for openings on time, following up on leads, networking, or simply maintaining a schedule of activities.

If you’re seeking employment now, we’re happy to be a partner in your efforts to find that next great job.